Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Can't live with us & can't live without us!!

"Woman, don't you know, is such a subject that however much you study it, it's always perfectly new."
                           "Well, then, it would be better not to study it."
In Anna Karenina, this conversation between Levin (Konstantin Dmitrievitch) and Stiva (Stephan Arkadyevitch [Anna's brother]) just makes me laugh!  Just to know that women have been confusing men for at least 138 years brings me immense happiness!!   This is one of my absolute favorite lines in the whole book so far. 

They couldn't understand us then and they still can't seem to understand us now.  From a recent Cosmo issue, it seems some poor sap is trying to give it a go.

Things women do that stress guys out:
1.)You hold a grudge.
2.)You issue an ultimatum.
3.)You give him the silent treatment.
4.)You bite his head off after a long day.
5.)You play it too cool.

What he fails to mention is that there will ALWAYS be reasoning behind our actions.   We don't just do these things out of spite, well, most of us anyways. Just consider our successful methods to be art. 

To help all of you silly confused men, I recently saw this being passed around facebook so it may help you out.

1.) FINE: This is the word women use to end an argument when she knows she is RIGHT &  YOU need to SHUT UP.
2.) NOTHING: Means SOMETHING & you need to be WORRIED.
3.) GO AHEAD: This is a dare, not permission, do NOT do it.
4.) WHATEVER: A woman's way of saying SCREW YOU.
5.) THAT'S OK: She is thinking long & hard on HOW & WHEN you will pay for your mistake.

Back to the book!

Stiva has made a habit out of cheating on his wife.  When we first meet him, his wife, Dolly (Darya), is furious with him for having an affair with their governess.  This woman they employed to teach and train their children, was trying to move up the corporate ladder, if you know what I mean. Apparently they didn't have the saying "Don't get your meat where you get your bread"back in the 1800's. 

The children are worried of an impending divorce and so Stiva's sister (Anna) comes to help bring the family back together.  Ironically, Anna tells Dolly to stay with her husband even though he's a cheating bastard. (as if she should really be giving marital advice)

Throughout the entire book, almost every time we read of Stephan, he is involved in some form of extra-marital affair.  Are these many transgressions his form of studying women?   Here's a tip for ya buddy, just ask your WIFE!

I especially love the relationship between Kitty and Levin.  Although in the beginning on the book they were off to a rocky start when Levin's proposal was refused, ultimately their relationship is one that should be mirrored by others in this book.  They are very loving, and honest with each other.  Levin is fiercely protective over his wife and while some may think that his jealousy would be a bit over the top, I feel that he is simply keeping the love of his life safe from anyone and anything! 

The men in this book range from cocky and pompous to shy and humble.  They, to me, are very easy to read and predictable.  A claim that cannot be attached to any of the female characters.  :-)

So ladies, may our power forever live on!!


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