Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What's Not To Like?

I wanted to create a blog about the books I’ve read and the many off the wall unique thoughts constantly assaulting my mind. It seems that very few in my social, family, work, or any kind of circle cares a tiny morsel about books let alone anything resembling a unique thought.  "What's a unique thought", they ask me, "and why would we want to do something that would make us different than everyone else?" 

My many circles all seem to think I’m crazy for reading a book when I could just wait for the movie.  I enjoy a movie just as much as the next person but can a movie make you feel every thought and every shiver right down to your bones? Can a movie make you taste the delightful pie the author has verbally baked or smell the sweet perfume of a flower the author has planted?  I think not.  But a book can!

You all will be my sounding board, my shoulder to cry on, and my best friends.  I love sharing my thoughts on a book and I can't wait to share them with you! 

When someone in my close circle comes to me for advice, I have always told them to write down how they feel and it will make them feel better.  Being that no one wants to hear my book rants, I decided to follow my own advice and create this blog.

So, I pose the question--what's not to like about a book? Is it the paper cuts? I say wear a glove.  Is it the amount of time it takes? I say throw away your watch or turn off your cell phone.  Take some time to get back to the basics.  Assault your own senses with a page turner and I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed (unless it’s not a good book.)

I hope everyone enjoys my thoughts and if not...well, that's just too bad!! :-)

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