Thursday, January 3, 2013

Introduction to ME!

 Hi there.  My name is Kristen and I am a recovering…..chatterbox.
**Clapping & smiling–Hi Kristen, welcome!!*

Pleasure to meet you all! I’m the awesome mom of 3 kids, 2 dogs, 1 cat, and I have recently found evidence of our newest family member, Mr. Mouse, in the upstairs closet, who will be dealt with accordingly. I live in Henderson, North Carolina but I’m originally from a small town in upstate New York.  I moved here with my family back in ‘96 when I was just 9 years old.  Even though I vowed to run away back to NY the same second I got my license, here I am 16 years later going strong and married to a southern boy who probably will never move anywhere north of the Mason-Dixon Line.  I can’t complain too much about the move though, because if we hadn’t come down south, I would not have my amazing husband, obnoxiously wonderful kids, or the stressful paradise I call every day life!
Well, some more about me.  I’m 25 years old going on 70.  I never miss Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune, I eat at the same restaurants, and I wear socks to bed most nights, much to the chagrin of my hubs. Luckily, I found my soul mate in Brian, my husband, who is as much of an old timer as I am!!  We honestly enjoy staying at home with the kids or having a bonfire in the back yard much more than going to a bar or club.  My, how things change when you start a family!!
We have 3 awesome kids!!
Darien, 7 going on 19, is by far one of the smartest kids I have ever spoken to, except of course when I ask him if he remembered to brush his teeth, suddenly he looses all ability to form a coherent thought.  He excels at absolutely everything he does.  T-ball, school, soccer, he’s amazing!!  He will probably be writing computer software within the next few years at the rate he is going.  I’m so proud of my guy!
Then we have our Emily, who is also 7!! She is the sweetest little girl you’ll ever meet.  She loves to help you with anything from baking and cleaning to raking and mowing the lawn.  You name it, she wants to help!!! Emily’s latest career aspiration is to be an artist.  She literally draws ALL THE TIME!!!  It is actually much more than the standard little kid scribble scrabbles, my girl has some serious talent!!
To finish off our brood, let me introduce Daniel.  He is 6 months and is by far the cutest baby ever made!! His hobbies include scooting across the floor backwards and chewing on the remote control.  He absolutely loves bananas and his toy giraffe (Raffi).  Teething is currently in full force and daily, I am astonished at how much drool comes out of his mouth!!  He has such an adorable personality and has finally made our little family complete!!!
As many buttons as they push DAILY, they are such an important part of me and I couldn’t imagine my life without them.  Life would be so quiet and a little too peaceful. J
I have, hands down, the BEST husband, EVER.  Brian has done so much for me and our family and I honestly don’t know where I’d be without him.  The day that man walked into my life was the first day of a new and happier Kristen.  Eh, gag!! I know I sound like a Danielle Steele character but I just can’t help it!!  Don’t get me wrong, he irks almost every nerve I have.  From leaving empty containers in the fridge to his chainsaw snoring, as much as I love him, sometimes I’m tempted to throw something at him!!
Moving on….
I have a pretty decent job that I really enjoy about 85% if the time. The other 15%, well, let’s just say I’m human and the day to day drama of office politics sometimes wears on me just as it would any of you!  My official title is Merchandise Analyst at Variety Wholesalers, Inc which is really a fancy way of saying that I sit in front of a computer all day crunching numbers on spreadsheets and looking at product sales. On the plus side, I work with some really great people who have become good friends and really help to make the day that much better.
I have a wonderful/crazy family who get on my nerves one minute and have me rolling on the floor laughing the next.  I have an older brother, Ray, and his wife (who I consider one of my sisters), Crystal, two older sisters, Patrice and Amanda, and then there is me, the baby! I wouldn’t say that I have the normal “baby of the family” mentality though; I have always worked hard to get away with things.  It wasn’t just handed to me! ;-)
I have the best parents a girl could ask for.  Sure, when I was younger I thought they were too strict but looking back, I had it pretty easy.  They taught me so much about how to be a good person and treat others with kindness, regardless of how they have treated you (a mission I am STILL on.)
~*My Daddy is the hardest working man I know, next to my hubs, of course.  I have always known that even though my Daddy is a putts, I can always go to him for anything and although I may not like his advice or answer, he has my best interests at heart.*~
~*My Mom is such a wonderful woman.  I can’t say enough good things about her! She has taught me so much, and continues to do so.  During my rebellious teen years (who am I kidding, my early twenties also), we fought like cats and dogs over everything from clothing to boyfriends.  She never gave up on me and still helps me everyday and I honestly don’t know what I would do without her.  She is an amazing woman.*~
Well, I’ll definitely get more into my life as we get to know each other better.  I don’t want to bore you on my first day!!
 I have only recently realized my passion for writing and I’m hoping that by writing to you all every week, I will gain more confidence to put my innermost thoughts on the page.
If you enjoy what I write, head over to my mommy blog: 
Thursdays With Kristen 
Happy Thanksgiving
to everyone! DO eat way too much!!

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