Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Years Dissolutions

So, 2013 is finally here.  2012 was a year of some serious ups and downs for me.  I had my beautiful baby boy, Daniel, which obviously was a huge “up.”  I messed our taxes up and had to re-do them and pay extra money, down.  Being able to be on maternity leave for 3 months, up!  Not having any of my income for 3 months while I was on maternity leave putting us in a bit of a bind, down. 

All in all, I can honestly say that I am happy.  I love my life, my husband, kids, family, and job (mostly).


So, I had originally resolved to not having a New Years’ Resolution, because how many resolutions are honestly kept for the year?  I’m still working on last year’s resolution to become more organized and I’ve never been quite so far from completing a goal as that one.  I took a step back and realized that I have way too many faults and short comings to not work on myself so I broke my first resolution of the year and came up with another resolution, to work on myself as a whole.


First, a few things about me; I have a short temper.  I am zero to enraged in about .318423 seconds.  Tiny things set me off like opening the fridge and seeing only two drops of milk left in the gallon jug.  Or even just an annoying, highly repetitive, clicking sound that Darien subconsciously does all the time.  I’m like a cartoon character; you can see the red swiftly rising to the top as I blow my lid! So, that is now a top priority for me to work on this year; controlling my temper!! I’m thinking of taking up yoga or kickboxing, something that will allow me to release some built up steam without taking it out on those unsuspecting victims, oops I mean family and coworkers, around me. 



I am the queen of holding grudges.  It’s ridiculous and juvenile, I know, but I can’t help it.  Oh you didn’t hold the door open for me, complete stranger, as I try to maneuver my kids and stroller and diaper bag into the tiny store opening? Well, you are now on my list!  A month later, if I see this person in the grocery store and I have $200 worth of groceries and he only has milk and gum, I will NOT let him get in front of me….serves him right as far as I’m concerned.  Ugh, I hate that I’m like this but it’s one of those things where my brain doesn’t allow the logical part of me to talk some sense into it.  I’m not sure how I’ll work on this one but I’m darn well gonna try my hardest!!


I am downright unhealthy.  Okay so I don’t smoke and I only have the occasional drink (very occasional), but I LOVE to eat.  I love to cook big dinners and then I love to eat said dinners…and then possibly desert…and then a little more around 9 o’clock while sitting on the couch watching reruns.  Every night, dinner consists of a meat, a starch like pasta, potatoes, or rice, a veggie, and bread.  That is simply way too much and unfortunately, all the healthy alternatives I tried to substitute have sent my grocery budget spinning out of control.  On top of unhealthy eating habits, do you think I work out?? Nope, not at all but I want to, I really do!  If pure intention was a work out I’d be the perfect weight!  I’m lucky that I’m not bigger than I already am.  I’m hoping the kickboxing to help with my temper will also help with my weight.  Plus, I’m taking the steps to research and buy a treadmill!!! So yay me!


I use my baby as a crutch.  I had Daniel 8 months ago and yet I continue to blame my pregnancy hormones or weight that I gained during that time.  I breastfeed him so I took that as a free pass to eat as much as I wanted…huge mistake.  The problem is, I felt/feel hungry all the time and I assumed it was because of the how many calories are burned while breastfeeding.  Well, I was right but I shouldn’t have abused it and now I’m sitting here overweight and unhappy with myself when I should be celebrating this wonderful time in my life.  So….I’m going to stop blaming Daniel for being emotional and chubby J It is my own fault and now that I’ve accepted that, I can get better!


I’m not going to get too far ahead of myself on these resolutions but I think that 2013 will be the year of ME!! I’m going to love myself a little more and stop making excuses for myself.  Frankly, I’m getting on my own nerves so I know without a doubt I’m on everyone else’s…

So sure, I’m not perfect and I know I never will be but I love myself and my family enough to want to make things a little better.  We all have room to grow(or shrink as the case may be) to make our lives happier and healthier and I started my journey on Tuesday, January 1st, 2013!!!

By the way, now that I’m trying to work on my temper, it seems that every annoying thing is the world is happening right next to me…this is certainly gonna be a long year!!

So, I want you to tell me what you’re going to do for YOURSELF this year.   Be honest and feel free to leave a word of encouragement for other moms (me) who are starting their very own almost impossible journey of New Year’s Resolution follow through!

Wish me luck everyone!!

Kristen B Riggan


  1. YOU DID A REALLY AWESOME JOB!!! Really good k-rig

  2. You can do it, I know you can! Im so happy to hear that Im not the only one with a short fuse, that small things like milk piss other moms off too :) I want to yell less, problem is, my kids dont listen, they think Im just warning them extra times, so after 10 times of me saying hey guys calm down, they take that as ahhh mom isnt yelling yet, lets keep doing it. My husband let me use the I just had a baby, until my daughter was 3, when I finally turned on him and said shes 3, I dont think me having a large ass counts ass baby weight anymore. Good news, Pamela and I decided yesterday that we are going to track down the fat fairy and take her down, I think with you in, we can totally get her and cut her! No more fat fairy! WHOOOP!

    1. pamelasueparvatigrowsJanuary 4, 2013 at 11:31 AM

      Fat Fairy be gone!!! All hunters welcome!!! The worst thing I ever did with the temper thing was to resolve to stop without a substitution. If it is stored in there it will eventually BLOW the F up and flatten a city block! It will also eat at your body girls! Swear to ya, have a few go to tricks in your back pocket. Little Dude knows that when I say the xyz is gone in 10 min if blah blah doesn’t happen! He sometimes STARTS moving at 9 min but it happens (sometimes). I also tell him that the natural consequence is that we HAVE to do (plug in your whatever here) so he is burning HIS xyz time (plug in kids favorite activity for the day).
      They will start out by throwing every freakin trick at you…let it happen and smile
      and say (plug in) is gone today, and do your thing like nothing happened.

      Best thing I did was actually ACCEPT that really I have no control over my kid.
      HE decides for himself what he is going to do NOT me…..but I can make his life pretty rough if he does not choose wisely!!! Bwahahahaha!!

      EVIL Super Mom Pamela!!!

      Oh yes I almost forgot the baby as a crutch thing? Yea I will actually hear myself say that it is baby fat too….I ADOPTED!! I think you are doing pretty dang well!

  3. Very well said! I think your goals are reasonable and very realistic. I need to work on my temper too, and more feelings. We all know my feelings get hurt at a split second. I want to be more resilient and able to not let things bother me as much. I tend to dwell on that's my new years resolution, to lighten up!
