Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Son the Gamer

Its official, I think my kid is a nerd!
It’s true, he’s is a bona fide dork! The only thing missing is his wide framed glasses with tape on the nose, braces, and a face full of acne, but hey, puberty is just around the corner! He hasn’t yet gotten to the point of carrying a protractor in his front pocket, but I think that also is coming soon!

Darien is an amazing kid, he seriously is; however, he is creeping steadily closer and closer to nerd-dom.

He regularly reads science books in his spare time.  He prefers learning about dinosaurs and bees. Ugh, creepy.  He will sometimes sit down and write out step by step directions to a new video game he wants to create when he’s a “grown-up.” 
The game will have a character that has to complete certain animal related missions, like rescuing the birds’ nest from a scavenger, or helping the dolphin get out of a net in the ocean, and so on.  You will have a panel of special animal abilities, like flying or jumping high, on the left side on the screen to choose from.  The abilities will help you complete your mission and when that happens, you get additional abilities! He’s got this all figured out!  He said he thinks it will be fun and educational! Ha!  How many kids do you know that thinks about creating an educational game? Just one!

Speaking of games, this child is obsessed with Zelda.  In case you’ve been living under a stone since the 90’s, Zelda is a game about a princess that needs to be rescued by Link. Link has to do a bunch of random stuff and use clues to figure out how to save Zelda.  Needless to say, it’s right up Darien’s alley!  For quite a while, literally all he would talk about was how to get in the castle or how to fight some crazy monster.  He knows the names and stats of all the characters, their special abilities, and what kind of information they can give to Link. 

Me thinks I should be worried!

His obsession went a bit too far, and he actually tried to become Link and games were soon after cut out completely!!  It got to the point where he would half-ass his homework or chores just so he could get back to playing.  He became so consumed with this game that he is no longer allowed to play ANY games. Yep, I’m mean, and nope, I’m not sorry!  I’m not having my child live in a world of mythological creatures and other weirdy stuff like that.  Plus, his school work was starting to go downhill…can you really blame me? 

And another thing, he pretends he’s fighting with a sword all the time.  He says they’re much more effective than anything else, oh except for nun-chucks, “Duh, Mommy!”  My husband even got in on the fun and carved him this huge sword out of wood complete with little decorative jewels (screws/bolts) and a holster thingy that goes over his back, “Don’t encourage him,” I whispered to Brian so Darien wouldn’t hear.

Okay so, I’m going to take this time to stop ragging on my baby.  He’s 8 and he has a wonderful imagination.  I really don’t even care if he is in fact a nerd because I love this little boy more than he can ever imagine.

Despite his total absorption in the fantasy land, Darien is so very smart.  He aces everything in school, is learning to play the guitar, and he is a wonderful soccer player.  He enjoys digging in the dirt and breaking open rocks to find hidden treasures. My child is definitely not close-minded and refuses to limit himself to one talent! I love that about him! The world is his oyster.

Plus, since my Dad is stuck in the pre-historic times, he helps him figure out what to do on the computer and how to save contacts in his cell phone.

I’m so proud!

So, do any of who have kids who are just plain nerdy?  Do you ever wonder how they’re going to turn out as adults? 

Tell me, what funny quirks do your kids (or husbands) have?  I’m interested!

The geek shall inherit the earth.
Kristen’s Proverb 1:1

Thanks for reading this week!

Kristen B Riggan


  1. just too cute. That's really amazing he wants to create a fun & educational game:)

  2. Funny quirks? Where do I begin? And I’m talking about me AND my husband AND our kids. Even my dogs and cats are weird.

    But weird is all relative. Right? :)

    Yeah, my son (who is now 17 years old) used to run around pretending that he was Goku from Dragon Ball Z, blasting the cat and his sister with his super powers. Let their imaginations run wild, I say. Nowadays, kids don’t have that and depend too much on tv and social networking.

    He also did the same thing with video games as your son, so I told him he couldn’t play video games during the week. Weekdays were reserved for schoolwork and studying. Now that he’s older and I’m homeschooling, he gets his work done during the day and can play later in the afternoon.

  3. I think its just part of being a kid, more so a boy! My brother did these things and so does Ethan. I think it’s awesome that his brain works the way it does and he is trying to write video games. You have every right to be proud, he’s a great kid! He has to be in order to be my God child!! :)

  4. pamelasueparvatigrowsFebruary 8, 2013 at 8:54 AM

    I’m with mj…I have no room to talk about being (as I prefer to call it) me! I was to be entering kindergarten at the end of the summer so I guess I had just barely turned 5. I was a wondering, observing and really really shy little thing. Except at home and especially except when mom was on the phone…familiar anyone? Yup she had had it with my questions during her call and told me to go look it up. So I found the childrens encyclopedia, not satisfied I used the words there to explore the adult ones. Of course mom had another call come in and I simply had to tell her of my discoveries right then and there! So much for peaceful conversations huh? Yup I am still a geek and a nerd both. Double whammy for me!
