Thursday, April 4, 2013

Online Vs. Outside

What to do when your child refuses to shut down the computer.

I remember the good ol’ days when I was young.  All I wanted to do was play outside with my sister or the animals. (Hey, I didn’t get the nickname Elmira for no reason!!) We would climb trees, throw rocks into the creek, go ice skating on the pond, make rock forts, and so much more!  To say I was a tom-boy is an understatement. 

I had an odd 6th sense that would allow me to somehow know whenever my mom wanted to put me in a dress and tights.  That sense saved me for dressing up countless times!! Mom would eventually give up her pursuit and let me wear pants and a shirt. Score!

I remember how I dreaded the moment that my mom would poke her head out the window and call, “Girls, it’s time for dinner, come inside!!!”  Don’t get me wrong, my mom’s cooking is great but I knew that after dinner it was bath time, and after bath time it was bedtime, thus the end of my outside play for the day.  It was a sad time indeed.

My point is, I LOVED playing outside for hours upon hours.  Muddy clothes, scraped knees, and burrs in my hair were the everyday norm for me.  It was great! 


I am finding that the older Darien and Emily get, the harder it is to get them to go outside and play.  I want them to use their imagination and climb trees and dig up bugs.  I wouldn’t trade those bits of my childhood for the world, and I so badly want Darien and Emily to experience all that I did!  Technology had definitely become a problem in our household.  We had a Wii, a computer, a 3DS AND a regular DS, a PSP, and a Super Nintendo.  Not to mention the 5 televisions we have in our home!!  It’s ridiculous!!

One day I had an epiphany; it’s OUR fault that the kids don’t go outside anymore.  We have given them so much do INSIDE that they don’t have any reason to go outside.  Needless to say, we no longer have a Wii or the PSP.  The DS’s have been confiscated indefinitely and the computer is ONLY available for school work.  The TV’s upstairs are only watched on weekends and the TV in the living room is watched before school/work in the mornings and/or after homework for the week has been 100% completed. 

Do I think I’m being a bit overly harsh, NOT AT ALL!!! 

You see, ever since we have severely limited their exposure to all these games, they ask all the time if they can go outside!! Darien and Emily can spend literally hours outside, and I love it!  Not just because they’re out of my hair, but because I can see that they are having 10x more fun than they would ever have inside stuck in front of the television or computer screen.  My husband recently brought home hundreds blocks of wood from work and let the kids go to town!! They spent the entire day making little houses and trails and obstacle courses!  Darien now has a deep interest in building, and not only is it expanding his mind but you can’t go wrong when you know how to work with your hands and build!!  I’m so proud of him!!

So all you Moms and Dads out there, I am issuing a challenge for you all!  Turn off the television, shut down the computer, and take away the handheld games.  Yank the kiddos off the couch, put your shoes on, and go outside and have a good time!  Not only will it continue to strengthen your relationship with your family but it will also build your kids’ brainpower!! It’s an amazing thing!! 

I appreciate you all taking the time to read my blog this week!! Feel free to leave your comments.  Come back tomorrow to read our Friday Mom!!

Kristen B Riggan
Successful Mom-ipulator!

BTW-Please check out my Scentsy website!  Mother’s Day is coming up and this stuff makes GREAT gifts!!


  1. I absolutely love this and totally agree 100%. When I was a kid I loved playing outside. Anything and everything I could do outside I would. I would spend hours in a tree reading a book or building a fort. So my other things as well. I think that it really does expand a childs imagination and helps them discover things they are interseted in. I am trying to help my son develop the same love for the outdoo dxxxxxis only two right now so not a chore yet but as he gets older I refuse to buy the gaming systems. I personally think there is no point to them.

  2. I definitely agree! This is the best advice I've seen in a long time! :)

  3. i absolutely agree with you I love to spend the time outside they have fun a lot more than in the house, but video games are not a problem if you create balance, Anyway we are passionate with video games, me my husband and 2 of our 8 kids, I love video games haha shame on me? Of course not, cause once you make a balance between that and the time outside you enjoy both, They spent hours and hours riding bikes and playing at the little houses on the yard and the swings and creating streets with obstacles and video games are just for weekends and under control not all the day just an hour at the morning , an hour at the noon and from 7pm and 8pm while they are in the room before they go to sleep. They are 8, 5 girls and 3 boys and have a control and a routine they work perfectly with that, and for the days that we spend inside we play table games , video games together and we make contest connecting sometimes our cell phones with their tablets and things like that we play the same games…..
