Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Triumphant Return to the Blogosphere

It's been several months since I've written you and let me tell you, I have been feeling the void!.

Just to give you an update from my time I was MIA, back in April my husband and I were knee deep into the house hunt.  We had been renting the same house for almost 5 years and our life and family had evolved.  We needed more. 

Everyday after work we met with a realtor to look at houses. 

 Every. Single. Day. 

My every thought was consumed with bedrooms, acreage, "we can make it work"'s and "it's not too far of a drive."  

Finally in July, we actually found it! Endless stalking on Google Earth and real estate websites gave me every tid-bit of information I could have ever wanted. But as we pulled into the driveway, you could almost hear our hearts stop.  We had found it..."the one" we had been waiting for.

I was IN LOVE with this house.  Yes, true, I fell in love with no less than 10 other houses during our search but this seemed different somehow, special.

So, long story short, we joined the circus and jumped through all of the necessary (and unnecessary) hoops.  On August 23rd, 2013, my hubby's 29th birthday, we closed on our new house!

"Brian, I'm really sorry I didn't get you a gift to open on your birthday but, 
I just bought you a, yeah...."

Oh geez, of course I got him a gift, calm down, I'm only joking! 
What kind of wifey do you take me for?!?

 My parents and I went in on this awesome grill that does everything short of washing the dishes and rubbing my feet!

The kids' first day of 3rd grade was the day after we officially moved in, so you can imagine how insane that night and morning were.  Just a little tip for all of you parents out there--don't buy a new house and move in merely hours before your children start school.  Avoid this utter chaos at all costs...Seriously, I'm saving lives here people!

Emily & Darien on the first day of 3rd grade!!     


Another big change in my life (pfft), I'm another another diet...surprise!!! Seriously though, I'm on a mission to get my insurance to pay for a breast reduction to help get rid of my excruciating back and neck pain.

   In order for them to even consider  paying for the procedure, my BMI needs to be closer to the healthy range.  According to the charts, I am morbidly obese and my goal weight is still in the "overweight" range.  They sure do know how to make a girl feel pretty, don't they?!?  Needless to say, the BMI chart gave a pretty serious blow to my already dwindling self-esteem.

I'm on the verge of looking like this...SMH
Another "mommy-blogger" I know put her weight and measurements on her blog and I thought to myself, Wow, she's either crazy or really brave.  I decided she was brave and now, in order to hold myself accountable, I will be sharing my stats as well.

Start Date: 10/07/13
Start Weight: 198
L-Upper Arm 13.5
R-Upper Arm 13.5
L-Thigh 27.5
R-Thigh 27.25
Natural Waist 33.25
Lower 42.5
Bust 42.25
Hips 48.25
L-Calf 15.25
R-Calf 15.25     
L-Upper Arm 13.5
R-Upper Arm 13.675
L-Thigh 27.25
R-Thigh 27.875
Natural Waist 35.75
Lower 40.75
Bust 43.125
Hips 46.875
L-Calf 16
R-Calf 16.875
Weight: 195.5

Date: 11/04/13

Maybe Amanda is having better luck. Check out her progress at:  We Don't Give A Hoot!

Thanks for reading today.  Let me know if you have any fitness tips to help boost my crawling metabolism!
I'll keep you updated and I swear I'll never abandon you for 6 months again!


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