Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Day In The Life....

Welcome back to all of my faithful readers!! I’ve missed you all so much, yes, both of you!! First of all let me apologize for my little extended absence.  I have been buried over my head in work, Zumba, and Scentsy, not to mention the everyday roles of wife and mommy which you all know is a full time job in itself!

I’d like to take the time today to write about a problem that is present in so many of our lives.  This problem can take you over, make you forget details; cause your hair to fall out, your boobs to sag, and your patience to run away.  Yes ladies, you guessed it!  The affliction I am talking about is known as Motherhood.

I wake up every morning more tired than I was the day before.  Why, you may ask?  Well, I’ll walk you through a normal day in my life, lets say Tuesday, and it should explain quite nicely!
I woke up at 7am, as late as possible, and scrambled to get myself ready.  Thankfully, the kids are on spring break this week so there were no arguments about brushing their teeth or putting their shoes on.  I gave Daniel a bottle as he smacked my cheek whenever I looked away while watching the minutes on the clock tick tock tick tock, closer and closer to 7:50am.   This is the absolute latest time I can leave home and not be late for work.  My mom arrives at my house to watch the kids just in time for me to run out the door, pulling my sweater on, tripping over Emily’s shoe, and forgetting my coffee in the process. 
I get to work at 8:01, just great, and I am assaulted with 20 questions, requests, and comments in the small walk from the parking lot to my office.  Did you run that report? Can you help me with this spreadsheet?  How do you run a ticket report?  Do you want to go to lunch today?  AHHHHH, why can’t they just wait for me to hang up my sweater and get some coffee before they attack me!! 

Oh, who am I kidding; I love being needed by my work family!!

Anyways, 10 o’clock break rolls around and I’m so busy that I don’t realize until 11 o’clock that I’ve missed it.  Then comes lunch at 12 when I run home as fast as I can to see the kids and eat some pathetic excuse for a meal then rush back to work.  A few hours later comes our 3 o’clock break which again I accidently work right through. 

So up to this point, I’ve been running around non stop since the moment I woke up and the day is still so young!  I get off work at 5:30 and rush home where I immediately start cooking dinner.  Chicken, rice, and veggies sounds good for tonight! Oh but wait, I forgot I have to be at my Zumba class at 7 o’clock so I eat a quick bowl of cereal, give the hubbs instructions on how to serve the kids’ food, change into my workout gear and fly out the door to pick up my Zumba buddy.  We make it to class just in time to start jumping and dancing around without pause for an entire hour.  I absolutely love Zumba, but this day is getting longer and longer.

At 8 o’clock, Zumba is over and I stop at McDonalds on the way home to replace those many calories I just burned. It’s defeating the purpose, I know, but I’m just SO totally hungry after Zumba that I can’t think about anything else! When I get home, Daniel needs to be changed, the kids are fighting over the rules of some made up game yet again and the hubbs is sitting on the couch watching the latest episode of Pawn Stars.  The poor guy busts his butt all day at work so I can’t be too irritated with him.

I finally herd the kids up to bed around 9:30, an hour past their bedtime, and rock Daniel to sleep and put him in his crib. Once the kids are down, and Brian is snoring away on the couch, I pull out my Scentsy stuff and try to make some sales, update my website and sort out orders.  That usually takes an hour or so depending on sales.  I have made it to the end of my day, and somehow I haven’t managed to throw myself into oncoming traffic, so yay for me! 

Then, it’s time for dessert, WINE!

As I put my glass up to my lips I realize, oh crap, I have to shower!  It’s important; I’m stinky and sweaty from my entire day of chaos so I can’t put it off any longer. My day normally ends around 11 o’clock most nights and that’s if everything worked out as it should.
In all seriousness, as chaotic as my life sometimes is, I love it! I love that my kids have such an imagination and make up silly games to play even if it does end up in a fight.  I love that my husband works so hard for his family all day everyday and then still comes home and watches the kids while I try to go out and better myself. 

Thanks for reading this week, and again I’m SO sorry I haven’t been writing like I should.  Now you know why!

Kristen B Riggan
Exhausted to the MAX!

PS. For some really adorable candle warmers and other wonderfully scented items, check out my website! You won’t be sorry!!

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