Thursday, April 11, 2013

Just a few tips on how to be courteous....

Dear fellow parents,

I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your courtesy to other drivers during the morning drop off at school.  No please, by all means, continue putting on your eyeliner and talking on the phone.  I really didn’t need you to let me know that you were turning.  I understand how that pesky signal stick is just SO far out of the way, so really, don’t trouble yourself! Not only am I not on time for work, but I am also more than happy to continue sitting here when I could have turned 5 minutes ago.  Kind people like you all really help set the tone for my day, so thank you.

Another point I feel obligated to mention is that the “drop-off lane” is exactly as the name states.  You drop off your child and then drive away.  Please do not park in this lane and watch your 9 year old to see if they actually made the 15 feet walk from your car to the building.  If you were really all that concerned you would park your car, walk your kid into their class and not continue to waste my time.  I suppose I can understand your concern if this were my kids’ first year at school but if they are in 3rd grade and you still grit your teeth with worry during that short walk, you have some serious separation anxiety issues that need to be worked out, stat!!!

Also, I swear, if I see one more little girl wearing a winter coat paired with Rainbow flip-flops in the cold January weather, I’m going to punch you in the throat.  If you can afford Rainbows, you can afford some sneakers or some snow boots. 

Come on now parents!! Get on the ball here!!

I sincerely hope that your children grow up to be better and more courteous drivers than you are; however, with your driving ability, I seriously doubt that will happen. 

On a lighter note, despite my comments above, I am actually in an incredible mood today which is a nice change of pace!!

So, I’m interested, what suggestions would you give to other parents? Let’s keep the comments PG 13 here!

Kristen B Riggan
Tired of Crappy Drivers

BTW, I have an AWESOME Mother’s Day Scentsy gift bundle on sale for only $45!!!! You get a warmer, 3 scentsy bars, a scented card, a gift box, and ribbon which is normally $60!! This is a crazy good deal ladies and gents!! Wouldn’t you like to have this sitting in your living room or bedroom with a relaxing spa scent filling the room?? I would!!

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